独坐幽篁里, 弹琴复长啸,深林人不知,明月来相照. - 王维
I sit alone in the restful bamboo grove,
My qin's resonance is long;
Of such a deep, quiet forest, is none aware.
Moonlight comes to illuminate.
This is my journey of learning to calm music performance anxiety as an emerging violinist, xun and guqin beginner = I am qínnǚ.
Musical Journeys
Exploring violin, gǔqín and xūn timbre creations.
Music Performance Anxiety
A collection of tips for taming MPA, useful for music students.
Regrowing cut roots
My blog about my journey to reclaim lost personal history. A work in progress!
Audio and videos, compositions and pottery
References, resources and links.
Discover the World of qínnǚ
Welcome to qínnǚ, where a crooked tree grows alone on a hillside. I am an emerging Australian musician, exploring the beauty of violin, gǔqín and xūn through techniques for calming music performance anxiety.